Elisabetta Marino -Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” – Italia

Elisabetta Marino is tenured Assistant Professor of English literature at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. She published a book on Tamerlane in English and American literature (2000), she edited the volume of the proceedings of 2001 “Asia and the West Conference”, a conference organized by Professor Lina Unali and held at “Tor Vergata” (2002). She co-edited the collection of essays entitled Transnational, National, and Personal Voices, New Perspectives on Asian American and Asian Diasporic Women Writers (2004). In 2005 she published a volume entitled Introduzione alla letteratura bangladese Britannica (an introduction to British Bangladeshi literature). In 2006 she translated poems by Maria Mazziotti Gillan, collected in a volume entitled Talismans/Talismani. In 2007 she edited the second volume of an e-book: New Asian American Writers and News from UK, Italy and Asia: Literature and the Visual Arts. In 2010 she edited the second volume of another e-book: Una città tra Oriente e Occidente. Istanbul Shanghai (A City between East and West. Istanbul Shanghai). In the same year, she co-edited a volume entitled Positioning the New: Chinese American Literature and the Changing Image of the American Literary Canon. She has published extensively on the English Romantic writers, on Italian American literature, Asian American and Asian British literature.

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