Looking at America from the Eyes of Asian-American Children

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Elisabetta Marino
TitoloLooking at America from the Eyes of Asian-American Children
Volume rilegato collezionabile€ 10,00
GenereSaggio critico
N. Pagine25
N. Illustrazioni0
EdizioneAprile 2003

The history of the immigrants coming from Asia and settled in America has always been characterized by sufferings, discrimination, political and social fights, biases, and the creation of an endless number of cultural stereotypes. The history of the Asian Americans has also been burdened by the difficulties of fitting in “the American way of life”, of learning a new language, of linking their past, their tradition with an often disappointing present made of scattered dreams. Maybe for the first time, in a beautiful collection of short stories entitled Children of Asian America (1995), the children of those immigrants of the past speak (through the medium of young writers of ethnic origin who tell their stories) and look at America from their perspective.

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